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Meets 1st Monday of the month 

CHAIR: Ray Regalado

MEMBERS: Chris Valle,  Melanie Labrecque, Vic Christensen


The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate. Past President, if still a member of the Board, and anyone else appointed by the President. 


The primary function of the Executive Committee is to assist the President in setting the agenda for upcoming meetings. 

The President retains the final say over the agenda allowing changes to be made after the Committee meeting.

Other Functions may include: 


  • Consideration of Administrative Issues such as the oversight of the Administrative Assistant and coordination among various committees

  • Consideration of Issues which fall outside of the purview of any other committee or which the appropriate committee is unable to consider in a timely manner 

  • Development of recommendations to remove Board Members or Officers pursuant to the By-Laws. 

  • Planning for future meetings


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by K Smith, The Mailroom

Contact Us


Tel: 310-918-8650


638 S. Beacon St, Box  688

San Pedro, CA 90731

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