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Final RPV Housing Element Update and Virtual Open House

Writer's picture: Kristina SmithKristina Smith

Over the past few years, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes has been working on its 6th Cycle Housing Element update, a state-mandated process that all California cities undertake every eight years (or “cycles”) to demonstrate how they will meet housing needs. The City’s updated Housing Element was approved by the City Council in 2021 and 2022, but deemed non-compliant by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).

The Housing Element update has involved efforts by City staff and consultants, public outreach, virtual and in-person workshops, and meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council — all aimed at identifying ways the City can rezone to accommodate 647 potential new housing units in RPV across various income levels through 2029. This target figure, called a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation, was assigned to the City by the state, and the City is required to demonstrate the capacity of providing that additional housing by adequately zoning for the RHNA. 

To meet its RHNA, the City is proposing the creation of a Mixed-Use Overlay District (MUOD) and Residential Overlay District (ROD).

What are the MUOD and ROD?

The proposed MUOD and ROD are both new zoning designations that would apply an additional layer of zoning regulations to select parcels in the City. The MUOD would allow a property owner to develop residential-only or a mix of uses (residential with another use, e.g., commercial) on the same parcel. There are 26 parcels that are currently commercially zoned that would be designated as MUOD. The ROD would allow a property owner to develop residential-only or residential with supporting, but limited commercial, institutional, or recreational uses on the same parcel. There are three parcels that are currently institutionally zoned that would be designated as ROD. In addition to these overlay zones, two parcels that are currently residentially zoned would be up-zoned to the higher density of residential.

The MUOD and ROD in and of themselves do not mandate any development – now or in the future.

The proposed rezoning being explored by the City, including the MUOD and ROD, is outlined in the latest version of the Housing Element (PDF), which was recently submitted to HCD for review. 

Next Steps

On January 30,2024, the City submitted its third version of the Draft Revised Housing Element to HCD.

City staff anticipates hearing back from HCD by the end of March on whether the Draft Revised Final Housing Element adequately addresses previous feedback. Both the Revised Final Draft Housing Element and the proposed rezoning are expected to go before the Planning Commission for review on March 26, 2024, and to the City Council for consideration of adoption on April 16, 2024.

If adopted by the City Council, the new zoning districts will be established, and the Final Housing Element will be submitted to HCD for certification. Once certified, the Housing Element update process will be complete and the City will be in compliance.

Virtual Open House

In the meantime, please check out the City’s Virtual Open House to learn more about the Housing Element and the proposed rezoning. Enter the virtual event room and stop at the stations to learn more about the City’s plans for rezoning, including the MUOD and ROD, what they could look like, and leave your comments.

The Virtual Open House will be available through March 18.

If you have questions or would like to share your comments, please email them to Learn more about the Housing Element at

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